A video installation on the window of a scrapped vehicle from 2006 in China.

In a mega-city like Shanghai, people could never escape from seeing skyscrapers. Mainly located in the financial district in Pudong, these buildings occupy parts of our field of view regardless of your whereabouts. What could be better than a grand tour on an automobile around these buildings to amplify the visual omnipresence?

The cityscape is projected on the window of an unhinged car door. The car door belonged to a 2006 Chinese-made automobile. Under the strict scrappage policy for old automobiles in China, it was possibly the first time for a car of its kind to witness dramatic urban development. Therefore, unhinged.

Projection mapping on a film screen from the back
Projection mapping on a film screen from the back


2021, Unlinked. Group exhibition at Interactive Media Arts, NYU Shanghai, Shanghai, China.

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